Food Intolerance

Feel good, inside out

“I don’t feel too good” or “I have no energy” is something we hear too often at our practice. But, did you know that this feeling could be triggered by your diet? It is not purely about eating less calories, or more veggies, or staying away from the sweets, but often, even healthy foods could make you uncomfortable. This is what we call food intolerance. Food intolerance, as its name suggests, means that your body may not process or tolerate certain foods very well. It manifests in a number a ways but the most common are:

  • Difficulty in losing excess weight
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Nausea
  • Bowel movement problems
  • Abdominal pain
  • Itchy skin or eczema
  • Fatigue
  • Joint pain
  • Depression
  • Decreased immunity

By testing for food intolerance, we can understand what foods could be triggering these symptoms. The test can be performed with no preparations at all and does not require fasting. It only involves giving a small blood sample at the clinic, which will then be sent to a laboratory where it will be tested against a certain number of common and uncommon food items. A comprehensive report will then be mailed to you, and you will have the opportunity to discuss with your doctor who will explain all the findings and advise you what not to eat in order to feel your best, all the time. Click here for a Sample Report

Who should do a food intolerance test?

Everyone. It can be performed for children from the age of 5 years and up and is recommended by family medicine doctors, dieticians and nutritionists.


Can the test help me lose weight?

Yes. If you are consuming what is labelled as “healthy foods” but your body is unable to process it well, it could very well lead to weight gain or prevent fat loss.


Is food intolerance and allergy test different?

Yes, both are different. Food intolerance will not cause the extreme symptoms of an allergy, however it does impact the body’s wellbeing. Click here to find out about allergy testing